ruling class
The ruling class in the Etruscan city-states was made up of
an aristocratic class, which came into being in remote times
from rich families, both of Italic and non-Italic origin,
who held the most important levers of power and from a growing
class of merchants and landowners who aspired to join the
ruling oligarchy. From inscriptions, we can recognize the
members of the noble class because their personal name was
always accompanied by the name of their family group. The
noble class was at the origin both of the expansion and decline
of the Etruscan civilization. Capable of great impetus in
archaic times and up to the 5th century BC, it was not able
to accept the technological and social developments that marked
the historical evolution of the more advanced ancient civilizations,
thus condemning their culture to decadence.
The most typical form of dwelling of the ruling class was
characterized by a large central courtyard which gave access
to various rooms. Another typology of dwelling consisted of
adjacent rooms that opened on to an entrance hall. Buildings
were not high and were constructed with a base of square stone
blocks. From this rose the walls built of rows of clay blocks
or unbaked bricks or pebbles in a wooden latticework and plastered
with clay. Sloping roofs covered with tiles were the most
typical form of roof but terraced roofs were also to be found.
The outside of the house was richly decorated with polychrome
terracotta and indoors the walls of the rooms were frescoed
with geometric patterns or figurative scenes.
The banquet so often reproduced in tomb frescoes had a double
meaning for the Etruscans. It was a religious ceremony in
that the relatives of the deceased took part in a banquet,
as part of the funeral ceremonies, and they believed that
the spirit of the deceased was also present. In addition,
in daily life, it was a symbol of wealth and marked membership
of a social Èlite. It was in fact only the aristocratic
class that could afford to give magnificent receptions, where
the guests, high-ranking men and women, would lie in pairs
on convivial couches, served by numerous slaves, whilst musicians
and dancers accompanied the banquet with music and dancing.
The tables were covered with embroidered tablecloths and laid
with rich dishes; the food was plentiful, with meat, in particular
game, vegetables and fruit.
and dancing
The Etruscans played percussion, string and wind instruments,
in particular the flute in all its various forms, although
the double flute was considered the national Etruscan instrument.
They greatly appreciated music and it accompanied all their
daily activities: working, eating, civil and religious ceremonies.
Even on the battlefield the movements of the troops were directed
by the sound of trumpets. Music often accompanied the rhythmical
movements of dancers, both male and female, whose dancing
was not only for entertainment but could also be a ceremony
linked to propitiatory rites or funerals. Music was also part
of dramatic performances of more ancient origin, with mime
by masked actors-dancers. From the IV century BC, drama with
dialogue became common, inspired by Greek theatre.
From the 6th century BC, the dress of the Etruscans is reminiscent
of that of the Greeks. In the archaic period, men went bare-chested
but later a short tunic came into use, with a coloured mantle
thrown over the shoulders. This mantle, fuller and embroidered,
then became the Etruscans' national garment: the tèbennos.
Women and the elderly wore long tunics reaching the feet.
These were usually made of a light pleated material and were
decorated at the edges; heavier and coloured mantles were
worn on top. Skirts, shifts and bodices were also found amongst
the items of women's clothing. The commonest type of footwear
were sandals, high boots and a characteristic shoe, of Greek
or Oriental origin, with an upward pointed tip. The most common
headgear was a woollen cap, but there existed many different
shapes: pointed, conical, hooded and broad-brimmed; often
they identified the specific social class the wearer belonged
to. From the 5th century BC onwards, the habit of going bare-headed
prevailed. It was also from the 5th century that the men,
who previously wore beards, began to shave and wear their
hair short. Women had various hair-styles: long hair in a
ponytail or in a braid down the back; later they left their
hair loose in curls on the shoulders and also gathered up
in a chignon on their head or in nets and caps. Dress was
completed by jewellery of excellent workmanship, such as earrings,
necklaces, bracelets, fibulae and pectorals. Etruscans were
experts in the production of these items.
In the Etruscan world, women, unlike their contemporaries
in Greek civilization, enjoyed great freedom. The Greek authors
disapproved of this fact and spread malicious comments about
the moral customs of Etruscan women. Whilst Greek women lived
in a position of submission to their husbands and spent most
of their time shut up in their homes, Etruscan women were
entitled to take part in all public events, at banquets they
sat next to their men on convivial couches, they could dress
unconventionally and they were educated. Evidence of this
prominent role is the custom of identifying people by their
mother's name alongside that of their father. In the last
phase of Etruscan history, when Greek cultural influence made
itself felt more strongly in the arts and in customs, Etruscan
women lost part of their independence.
The total absence of Etruscan written profane texts and the
fragmentary nature of the religious texts that have come down
to us prevents us from gaining more than a very superficial
knowledge of Etruscan culture. The loss of the literature
of an entire people is a highly tragic event. By the first
centuries of the Christian era, the Etruscan language was
known only by a few scholars and with the end of the classic
civilization even the memory of it was lost, and with it the
possibility of handing it down to the present. If from the
quotations of a few classic authors we can be certain of the
existence of an Etruscan historical literature, we cannot
say the same regarding epic narrative, which was probably
alien to the thinking of that people. However, we possess
a large amount of documentation, although rarely direct, on
Etruscan religious literature, which also had an ethic-juridical
value. The sacred texts were divided into books which contained
the rules of divination, the religious calendar, the rules
of behaviour in daily life and public events. Of great curiosity
and scientific value was the discovery of a fragment of an
Etruscan religious text mentioning detailed rituals and prescribed
rules of conduct on strips of cloth used as a wrapping for
an Egyptian mummy.